Source code for systematic_review.nlp

"""Module: nlp (Natural language processing)
This module contains functions related to removing stop words, Lemmatization, and stemming  Approaches. Functions will
import the supporting AI model only when they are executed.
For more Examples and info visit: and
from typing import List

[docs]def nltk_remove_stopwords(text: str) -> str: """Remove unnecessary words such as she, are, of, which, and in. Parameters ---------- text : str This may contains all words in dictionary. Returns ------- str This contains words other than stop words described in nltk english stop words. """ try: import nltk except ImportError: print("This function requires nltk library. Please install it using 'pip install nltk' or visit " " for more lemma_info.") return "" from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) word_tokens = word_tokenize(text) filtered_text = [w for w in word_tokens if not w.lower() in stop_words] # normal version of above list comprehension # for w in word_tokens: # if w not in stop_words: # filtered_sentence.append(w) filtered_text = " ".join(filtered_text) return filtered_text
[docs]def pattern_lemma_or_lemmatize_text(input_text: str, lemma_info: bool = False) -> str: """This return lemma if lemma_info is True else it returns lemmatize text. Uses pattern.en lemma Parameters ---------- input_text : str This may contains all words in dictionary. lemma_info : bool This is the switch variable which define return either to lemma information or lemmatize text. Returns ------- str This output text contains word-forms which are linguistically valid lemmas. Example - “car” is matched with words like “cars” and “automobile”. """ try: import pattern except ImportError: print("This function requires pattern library. Please install it using 'pip install Pattern' or visit " " for more lemma_info.") return "" from pattern.en import lemma, lexeme if lemma_info: from pattern.en import parse return parse(input_text, lemmata=True, tags=False, chunks=False) else: try: output = " ".join([lemma(wd) for wd in input_text.split()]) except RuntimeError: output = " ".join([lemma(wd) for wd in input_text.split()]) return output
[docs]def nltk_word_net_lemmatizer(input_text: str) -> str: """This function returns lemmatize text. Uses nltk.stem WordNetLemmatizer Parameters ---------- input_text : str This may contains all words in dictionary. Returns ------- str This output text contains word-forms which are linguistically valid lemmas. Example - “car” is matched with words like “cars” and “automobile”. """ try: import nltk except ImportError: print("This function requires nltk library. Please install it using 'pip install nltk' or visit " " for more lemma_info.") return "" from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() return lemmatizer.lemmatize(input_text)
[docs]def nltk_porter_stemmer(input_text: str) -> str: """This function returns stemmed text. Uses nltk.stem PorterStemmer Parameters ---------- input_text : str This may contains all words in dictionary. Returns ------- str This output text contains stems of a words. Example - “car” is matched with words like “cars” but not “automobile”. """ try: import nltk except ImportError: print("This function requires nltk library. Please install it using 'pip install nltk' or visit " " for more lemma_info.") return "" from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer stemmer = PorterStemmer() return stemmer.stem(input_text)
[docs]def nltk_lancaster_stemmer(input_text: str) -> str: """This function returns stemmed text. Uses nltk.stem LancasterStemmer Parameters ---------- input_text : str This may contains all words in dictionary. Returns ------- str This output text contains stems of a words. Example - “car” is matched with words like “cars” but not “automobile”. """ try: import nltk except ImportError: print("This function requires nltk library. Please install it using 'pip install nltk' or visit " " for more lemma_info.") return "" from nltk.stem import LancasterStemmer stemmer = LancasterStemmer() return stemmer.stem(input_text)
[docs]def spacy_lemma(input_text: str) -> str: """This function returns lemmatize text. Uses spacy en_core_web_sm Parameters ---------- input_text : str This may contains all words in dictionary. Returns ------- str This output text contains word-forms which are linguistically valid lemmas. Example - “car” is matched with words like “cars” and “automobile”. """ try: import spacy except ImportError: print("This function requires spacy library. Please install it using 'pip install -U pip setuptools wheel' " "'pip install -U spacy' 'python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm' or " "visit for more lemma_info.") return "" nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") doc = nlp(input_text) filtered_text = " ".join([token.lemma_ for token in doc]) return filtered_text
[docs]def nltk_remove_stopwords_spacy_lemma(string_list_lower: str) -> List[str]: """This function returns lemmatize text of lowercase input string. Uses spacy en_core_web_sm Parameters ---------- string_list_lower : str This may contains all lowercase words in dictionary. Returns ------- List[str] This output text contains word-forms which are linguistically valid lemmas. """ string_list_lower_filter_lemma = [] for string in string_list_lower: string_lower_filter = nltk_remove_stopwords(string) string_lower_filter_lemma = spacy_lemma(string_lower_filter) string_list_lower_filter_lemma.append(str(string_lower_filter_lemma)) return string_list_lower_filter_lemma