Source code for systematic_review.analysis

"""Module: analysis
This module contain code for generating info, diagrams and tables. It can be used to generate systematic review flow
and citations information.
from typing import List, Union, Any

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from systematic_review import os_utils, converter, citation, string_manipulation, validation

[docs]def creating_sample_review_file(selected_citation_df): """This function outputs dataframe with including columns to make literature review easier. Parameters ---------- selected_citation_df : pandas.DataFrame object This dataframe is the result of last step of systematic-reviewpy. This contains records for manual literature review. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame object This is dataframe with additional columns for helping in adding details of literature review. """ # add additional columns literature_review_cols = ['Main Topic', 'Sub Topic', 'source', 'Aim of the Study(objectives)', 'data sources', 'Data period', 'Input Variables', 'methodology', 'Findings', 'Research Gap/ Limitations', 'Results / Conclusions', 'place_published', 'Notes, Special Considerations', 'Email ID'] selected_citation_review = pd.concat([selected_citation_df, pd.DataFrame(columns=literature_review_cols)]) return selected_citation_review
[docs]def analysis_of_multiple_ris_citations_files(citations_files_parent_folder_path: str) -> dict: """This function loads all ris citations files from folder and return the databases names and collected number of citations from the databases to dict. Parameters ---------- citations_files_parent_folder_path : str this is the path of parent folder of where citations files exists. Returns ------- dict this is dict of databases name and number of records in ris files. """ citations_path_lists = os_utils.extract_files_path_from_directories_or_subdirectories( citations_files_parent_folder_path) details = {"total": 0} for path in citations_path_lists: if path.endswith(".ris"): length = len(converter.ris_file_to_records_list(path)) details[os_utils.get_filename_from_path(path)] = length details["total"] += length return details
[docs]def vertical_dict_view(dictionary: dict) -> str: """convert dict to string with each element in new line. Parameters ---------- dictionary : dict Contains key and value which we want to print vertically. Returns ------- str This prints key1 : value1 and key2 : value2 ... in vertical format """ output_string = "" for key, value in dictionary.items(): output_string += f"{key} : {value}\n" return output_string
[docs]def duplicate_count(dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> int: """return count of the duplicate articles. Parameters ---------- dataframe : pd.DataFrame Input pandas dataframe where we want to check numbers of duplicates. Returns ------- int number of duplicates records. """ complete_citations_df = citation.drop_duplicates_citations(dataframe) count_of_duplicates = len(dataframe) - len(complete_citations_df) return count_of_duplicates
[docs]def missed_article_count(filter_sorted_citations_df: pd.DataFrame, downloaded_articles_path: str, title_column_name: str = "cleaned_title"): """return count of missed articles from downloading by checking original list of articles from filter_sorted_citations_df using downloaded articles path. Parameters ---------- title_column_name : str contains name of column which contain the name of article. filter_sorted_citations_df : pd.DataFrame This dataframe contains records of selected articles including name of articles. downloaded_articles_path : str contains parent folder of all the downloaded articles files. Returns ------- int count of the missed articles from downloading. """ original_list = [i for i in filter_sorted_citations_df[title_column_name]] validated_articles_list, invalidated_list, manual_list = validation.validating_pdfs_using_multiple_pdf_reader( downloaded_articles_path) articles_list = validation.getting_article_paths_from_validation_detail(validated_articles_list) downloaded_list = [ string_manipulation.preprocess_string(os_utils.get_filename_from_path(k)) for k in articles_list] missed_articles = validation.finding_missed_articles_from_downloading(downloaded_list, original_list) return len(missed_articles[0])
[docs]def text_padding_for_visualise(text: str, front_padding_space_multiple: int = 4, top_bottom_line_padding_multiple: int = 1): """This add required space on all four side of text for better look. Parameters ---------- text : str This is the input word. front_padding_space_multiple : int This multiply the left and right side of spaces for increased padding. top_bottom_line_padding_multiple : int This multiply the top and down side of spaces for increased padding. Returns ------- tuple str - text with spaces on all four sides. int - height that is number of lines. int - width that is number of char in longest line. """ top_bottom_line_padding = "\n" * top_bottom_line_padding_multiple output_text = top_bottom_line_padding height = top_bottom_line_padding_multiple * 2 width = front_padding_space_multiple * 2 max_width = 0 for t in text.split("\n"): padding = " " * front_padding_space_multiple + t + " " * front_padding_space_multiple output_text += padding + "\n" max_width = max(len(t), max_width) width += max_width height += len(text.split("\n")) output_text += "\n" * (top_bottom_line_padding_multiple - 1) return output_text, height, width
[docs]def custom_box(**kwargs) -> dict: """This is the option for matplotlib text in box. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Contains key word arguments Returns ------- dict contains options """ # "boxstyle": "square,pad=10" for extra padding use pad=amount. custom_options = {"bbox": {"boxstyle": "square", "facecolor": "white"}, "horizontalalignment": "center", "verticalalignment": "center", "color": "midnightblue"} if kwargs: for key, value in kwargs.items(): custom_options[key] = value return custom_options
[docs]class TextInBox: """This is matplotlib text in box class to make it easier to use text boxes. """ def __init__(self, figure_axes, x_coordinate, y_coordinate, text=""): """It needs pyplot figure axes to add boxes, and x and y coordinate with any text to put into box. Parameters ---------- figure_axes : matplotlib.pyplot.axes This is the axes of the figure where we want to add text box. x_coordinate : float This is the x coordinate usually 0 at left bottom side of figure in this module. y_coordinate : float This is the y coordinate usually 0 at left bottom side of figure in this module. text : str This is text to be written inside of box. """ self.figure_axes = figure_axes self.x_coordinate = x_coordinate self.y_coordinate = y_coordinate self.width_of_one_char = 0.067 self.width_of_one_line = 0.165 self.text = text_padding_for_visualise(text)[0] self.left = ( self.x_coordinate - ((text_padding_for_visualise(text)[2] / 2) * self.width_of_one_char), self.y_coordinate) self.right = ( self.x_coordinate + ((text_padding_for_visualise(text)[2] / 2) * self.width_of_one_char), self.y_coordinate) = ( self.x_coordinate, self.y_coordinate + ((text_padding_for_visualise(text)[1] / 2) * self.width_of_one_line)) self.bottom = ( self.x_coordinate, self.y_coordinate - ((text_padding_for_visualise(text)[1] / 2) * self.width_of_one_line))
[docs] def add_box(self, **kwargs: Union[dict, str, Any]): """It put the box on the matplotlib.pyplot.axes figure Parameters ---------- kwargs : Union[dict, str, Any] This taken any custom_text_manipulation_function options to be set into box. Returns ------- """ self.figure_axes.text(self.x_coordinate, self.y_coordinate, self.text, custom_box(**kwargs))
[docs]class Annotate: """This class makes it easier to draw arrows into matplotlib.pyplot.axes figure """ def __init__(self, figure_axes, start_coordinate, end_coordinate, arrow_style="<|-"): """This takes matplotlib.pyplot.axes and location of x and y coordinate for both start and end point. end point is the arrow head target. Parameters ---------- figure_axes : matplotlib.pyplot.axes This is the axes of the figure where we want to add text box. start_coordinate : tuple this is tuple containing x and y coordinates of the point, 0, 0 is left bottom in this module figure. start point is the arrow handle. end_coordinate : tuple this is tuple containing x and y coordinates of the point, 0, 0 is left bottom in this module figure. end point is the arrow head target. arrow_style : str This contains symbol for different type of arrows in matplotlib. """ self.figure_axes = figure_axes self.start_coordinate = start_coordinate self.end_coordinate = end_coordinate self.arrowstyle = arrow_style
[docs] def add_arrow(self, text=""): """This draw the arrow on matplotlib.pyplot.axes. Parameters ---------- text : str This takes test to put on the arrow. Returns ------- """ self.figure_axes.annotate( text, self.start_coordinate, self.end_coordinate, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle=self.arrowstyle))
[docs]class SystematicReviewInfo: """This analyse whole systematic review process and takes all produced file to generate tables, figure. """ download_flag_column_name = 'downloaded' file_validated_flag_name = "yes" def __init__(self, citations_files_parent_folder_path: str = None, filter_sorted_citations_df: pd.DataFrame = None, validated_research_papers_df: pd.DataFrame = None, selected_research_papers_df: pd.DataFrame = None): """This class contains all necessary information for systematic review flow. Parameters ---------- citations_files_parent_folder_path : str this is the path of parent folder of where citations files exists. filter_sorted_citations_df : pd.DataFrame This is screened dataframe containing records for downloading full text. selected_research_papers_df : pd.DataFrame This dataframe contains records for manual literature review. validated_research_papers_df : pd.DataFrame This contains validation of downloaded research articles. """ self.citations_files_parent_folder_path = citations_files_parent_folder_path if \ citations_files_parent_folder_path is not None else "" self.sources = analysis_of_multiple_ris_citations_files(citations_files_parent_folder_path) if \ citations_files_parent_folder_path is not None else "" self.duplicates = duplicate_count( converter.load_multiple_ris_citations_files_to_dataframe(citations_files_parent_folder_path)) if \ citations_files_parent_folder_path is not None else "" self.screened = int(self.sources["total"]) - int(self.duplicates) if (self.sources is not None) and ( self.duplicates is not None) else "" self.for_retrieval = len(filter_sorted_citations_df) if filter_sorted_citations_df is not None else "" self.screened_out = self.screened - self.for_retrieval if (self.screened is not None) and ( self.for_retrieval is not None) else "" self.not_retrieved = len(validated_research_papers_df) - len( validated_research_papers_df.loc[validated_research_papers_df[ self.download_flag_column_name] == self.file_validated_flag_name]) if \ (validated_research_papers_df is not None) and \ (self.download_flag_column_name in validated_research_papers_df.columns) else "" self.eligible = len(selected_research_papers_df) if selected_research_papers_df is not None else "" self.manually_excluded = "" self.manually_excluded_reasons = "" self.included = ""
[docs] def get_text_list(self) -> List[str]: """This produces the list of all analysis done in this class. Returns ------- List[str] This contains systematic review information in sentences. """ text_list = [f"Records identified from -\n{vertical_dict_view(self.sources)}", f"Records screened\n(n = {self.screened})", f"Reports sought for retrieval\n(n = {self.for_retrieval})", f"Reports assessed for eligibility\n(n = {self.eligible})", f"Total studies included in review\n(n = {self.included})", f"Records removed before screening -\nDuplicate records removed\n (n = {self.duplicates})", f"Records screened out\n(n = {self.screened_out})", f"Reports not retrieved -\n{self.download_flag_column_name}\n(n = {self.not_retrieved})", f"Reports excluded\n{self.manually_excluded}\n{self.manually_excluded_reasons}"] return text_list
[docs] def info(self): """This takes systematic review text list and create proper order to print. Returns ------- """ temp_text = self.get_text_list() order = [0, 5, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 4] for index in order: print(temp_text[index], "\n")
[docs] def systematic_review_diagram(self, fig_width=10, fig_height=10, diagram_fname: str = None, color: bool = True, color_info: bool = True, auto_fig_size: bool = True, hide_border: bool = True, **kwargs): """This outputs the systematic review diagram resembling PRISMA guidelines. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict kwargs are also given to ``matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(**kwargs)`` hide_border : bool border is line outside of diagram auto_fig_size : bool this sets the figure size automatically based on given data. color : bool This is color inside of diagram boxes. turn this off by putting False. color_info : bool This show meaning of color in diagram. diagram_fname : str filename or path of diagram image to be saved. fig_width : float This is width of figure in inches. fig_height : float This is height of figure in inches. Returns ------- """ text_list = self.get_text_list() width_of_one_char = 0.067 width_of_one_line = 0.165 top_spaces = width_of_one_line * 2 top_outer_spaces = width_of_one_line * 4 left_spaces = width_of_one_char * 10 left_outer_spaces = width_of_one_char * 15 height = 0 height += 2 * top_outer_spaces height += 4 * top_spaces height += (width_of_one_line * max(text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[0])[1], text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[5])[1])) height += (width_of_one_line * max(text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[1])[1], text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[6])[1])) height += (width_of_one_line * max(text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[2])[1], text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[7])[1])) height += (width_of_one_line * max(text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[3])[1], text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[8])[1])) height += (width_of_one_line * text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[4])[1]) width = 0 width += 2 * left_outer_spaces width += left_spaces max_left_width = ( width_of_one_char * max(text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[0])[2], text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[1])[2], text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[2])[2], text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[3])[2], text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[3])[2])) max_right_width = ( width_of_one_char * max(text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[5])[2], text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[6])[2], text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[7])[2], text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[8])[2])) width += (max_left_width + max_right_width) if auto_fig_size: fig_width = width fig_height = height fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height)) ax = fig.add_axes((0, 0, 1, 1)) ax.set_xlim(0, fig_width) ax.set_ylim(0, fig_height) ax.tick_params(bottom=False, top=False, left=False, right=False) ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labeltop=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False) x_position_left = left_outer_spaces + (max_left_width / 2) x_position_right = left_outer_spaces + max_left_width + left_spaces + (max_right_width / 2) # draw rectangles with text in the center all_boxes = [] # box 0 to 4 all_boxes.append(TextInBox(ax, x_position_left, (fig_height - top_outer_spaces - (width_of_one_line * max( (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[0])[1] / 2), (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[5])[1] / 2))) ), text_list[0] ) ) all_boxes.append(TextInBox(ax, x_position_left, (all_boxes[0].bottom[1] - top_spaces - (width_of_one_line * max( (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[1])[1] / 2), (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[6])[1] / 2))) ), text_list[1] ) ) all_boxes.append(TextInBox(ax, x_position_left, (all_boxes[1].bottom[1] - top_spaces - (width_of_one_line * max( (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[2])[1] / 2), (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[7])[1] / 2))) ), text_list[2] ) ) all_boxes.append(TextInBox(ax, x_position_left, (all_boxes[2].bottom[1] - top_spaces - (width_of_one_line * max( (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[3])[1] / 2), (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[8])[1] / 2))) ), text_list[3] ) ) all_boxes.append(TextInBox(ax, x_position_left, (all_boxes[3].bottom[1] - top_spaces - ( width_of_one_line * text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[4])[1] / 2)), text_list[4] ) ) # box 5 to 8 all_boxes.append(TextInBox(ax, x_position_right, (fig_height - top_outer_spaces - (width_of_one_line * max( (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[0])[1] / 2), (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[5])[1] / 2))) ), text_list[5] ) ) all_boxes.append(TextInBox(ax, x_position_right, (all_boxes[0].bottom[1] - top_spaces - (width_of_one_line * max( (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[1])[1] / 2), (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[6])[1] / 2))) ), text_list[6] ) ) all_boxes.append(TextInBox(ax, x_position_right, (all_boxes[1].bottom[1] - top_spaces - (width_of_one_line * max( (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[2])[1] / 2), (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[7])[1] / 2))) ), text_list[7] ) ) all_boxes.append(TextInBox(ax, x_position_right, (all_boxes[2].bottom[1] - top_spaces - (width_of_one_line * max( (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[3])[1] / 2), (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[8])[1] / 2))) ), text_list[8] ) ) if color: for all_boxes_index in range(len(all_boxes)): if all_boxes_index == 4: all_boxes[all_boxes_index].add_box( bbox={"boxstyle": "square", "facecolor": 'red', "alpha": 0.3, "edgecolor": "red"}, color="black") else: all_boxes[all_boxes_index].add_box( bbox={"boxstyle": "square", "facecolor": 'lightgreen', "alpha": 0.3, "edgecolor": "green"}, color="black") else: for box in all_boxes: box.add_box() # Draw arrows all_arrows = [Annotate(ax, all_boxes[0].bottom, all_boxes[1].top), Annotate(ax, all_boxes[1].bottom, all_boxes[2].top), Annotate(ax, all_boxes[2].bottom, all_boxes[3].top), Annotate(ax, all_boxes[3].bottom, all_boxes[4].top), Annotate(ax, all_boxes[0].right, all_boxes[5].left), Annotate(ax, all_boxes[1].right, all_boxes[6].left), Annotate(ax, all_boxes[2].right, all_boxes[7].left), Annotate(ax, all_boxes[3].right, all_boxes[8].left)] # vertical arrows 0-1 to 3-4 # Horizontal arrows 0-5 to 3-8 for arrow in all_arrows: arrow.add_arrow() if color_info: ax.text(x_position_right, (all_boxes[8].bottom[1] + width_of_one_line - top_spaces - (width_of_one_line * ( text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[4])[1] / 2)) ), "Automated step") ax.text(x_position_right, (all_boxes[8].bottom[1] - width_of_one_line - top_spaces - (width_of_one_line * ( text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[4])[1] / 2)) ), "Manual step") # Create a Rectangle box import matplotlib.patches as patches green_rect = patches.Rectangle((x_position_right - (width_of_one_char * 3), (all_boxes[8].bottom[1] + width_of_one_line - top_spaces - (width_of_one_line * ( text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[4])[1] / 2)))), .1, .1, linewidth=1, facecolor='green', alpha=0.6) red_rect = patches.Rectangle((x_position_right - (width_of_one_char * 3), (all_boxes[8].bottom[1] - width_of_one_line - top_spaces - (width_of_one_line * (text_padding_for_visualise(text_list[4])[1] / 2)))), .1, .1, linewidth=1, facecolor='red', alpha=0.5) # Add the rectangular box patch to the Axes ax.add_patch(green_rect) ax.add_patch(red_rect) # makes border invisible if hide_border: ax.axis('off') if diagram_fname: plt.savefig(diagram_fname, kwargs)
[docs]def pandas_countplot_with_pandas_dataframe_column(dataframe, column_name, top_result, plot_kind: str = "bar", diagram_fname: str = None, **kwargs): """generate pandas count chart using dataframe column. Parameters ---------- dataframe : pd.DataFrame dataframe which contains column whose value counts to be shown. column_name : str Name of pandas column elements are supposed to be counted. top_result : int This limits the number of column unique elements to be shown plot_kind : str pandas plot option of kind of chart needed. defaults to 'bar' in this implementation diagram_fname : str filename or path of diagram image to be saved. kwargs : dict kwargs are also given to ``matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(**kwargs)`` Returns ------- """ dataframe[column_name].value_counts()[:top_result].plot(kind=plot_kind) if diagram_fname: plt.savefig(diagram_fname, kwargs)
[docs]def seaborn_countplot_with_pandas_dataframe_column(dataframe, column_name, theme_style="darkgrid", xaxis_label_rotation=90, top_result=None, diagram_fname: str = None, **kwargs): """generate seaborn count bar chart using dataframe column. Parameters ---------- diagram_fname : str filename or path of diagram image to be saved. dataframe : pd.DataFrame dataframe which contains column whose value counts to be shown. column_name : str Name of pandas column elements are supposed to be counted. theme_style : str name of the bar chart theme xaxis_label_rotation : float rotate the column elements shown on x axis or horizontally. top_result : int This limits the number of column unique elements to be shown kwargs : dict kwargs are also given to ``matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(**kwargs)`` Returns ------- object show the bar chart """ ax = sns.countplot(x=column_name, data=dataframe, order=dataframe.value_counts(column_name).iloc[:top_result].index) sns.set_theme(style=theme_style) plt.xticks(rotation=xaxis_label_rotation) ax.bar_label(ax.containers[0]) if diagram_fname: plt.savefig(diagram_fname, kwargs)
[docs]class CitationAnalysis: """This takes any pandas dataframe containing citation details and produces analyses on various columns. """ def __init__(self, dataframe): """This requires citation dataframe. Parameters ---------- dataframe : pd.DataFrame This dataframe is checked for columns for analyses, please change column name for analyses if not same as implemented. """ self.dataframe = dataframe
[docs] def publication_year_info(self, column_name: str = "year"): """shows how many articles are published each year. Parameters ---------- column_name : str column name of publication year detail in citation dataframe Returns ------- object contains year and count of publications """ return converter.dataframe_column_counts(self.dataframe, column_name)
[docs] def publication_year_diagram(self, column_name: str = "year", top_result=None, method: str = "seaborn", theme_style="darkgrid", xaxis_label_rotation=90, pandas_bar_kind: str = "bar", diagram_fname: str = None, **kwargs): """generates chart showing how many articles are published each year. Parameters ---------- pandas_bar_kind : str pandas plot option of kind of chart needed. defaults to 'bar' in this implementation column_name : str column name of publication year detail in citation dataframe theme_style : str name of the bar chart theme xaxis_label_rotation : float rotate the column elements shown on x axis or horizontally. top_result : int This limits the number of column unique elements to be shown method : str provide option to plot chart using either 'seaborn' or 'pandas' diagram_fname : str filename or path of diagram image to be saved. kwargs : dict kwargs are also given to ``matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(**kwargs)`` Returns ------- """ if method.lower() == "seaborn": seaborn_countplot_with_pandas_dataframe_column(self.dataframe, column_name, theme_style, xaxis_label_rotation, top_result, diagram_fname, **kwargs) elif method.lower() == "pandas": pandas_countplot_with_pandas_dataframe_column(self.dataframe, column_name, top_result, pandas_bar_kind, diagram_fname, **kwargs) else: print("Please provide text_manipulation_method_name value as 'seaborn' or 'pandas'.")
[docs] def authors_analysis(self, authors_column_name="authors"): """generates the details based on pandas dataframe column of article authors. example- Number of authors, Articles with single authors, Articles per authors, Authors per articles Parameters ---------- authors_column_name : str Name of column containing authors details. Returns ------- tuple contains Number of authors, Articles with single authors, Articles per authors, Authors per articles """ number_of_articles = len(self.dataframe) unique_author_names = set() articles_with_single_authors = 0 for authors_list in self.dataframe[authors_column_name]: if len(authors_list) == 1: articles_with_single_authors += 1 for authors in authors_list: unique_author_names.add(authors) number_of_authors = len(unique_author_names) articles_per_authors = number_of_articles / number_of_authors authors_per_articles = number_of_authors / number_of_articles return number_of_authors, articles_with_single_authors, articles_per_authors, authors_per_articles
[docs] def authors_info(self): """prints the authors analysis details in nice format Returns ------- """ number_of_authors, articles_with_single_authors, articles_per_authors, authors_per_articles = \ self.authors_analysis() print(f"Number of authors = {number_of_authors}") print(f"Articles with single authors = {articles_with_single_authors}") print(f"Articles per authors = {articles_per_authors}") print(f"Authors per articles = {authors_per_articles}")
[docs] def publication_place_info(self, column_name: str = "place_published"): """shows how many articles are published from different places or countries. Parameters ---------- column_name : str column name of publication place detail in citation dataframe Returns ------- object contains publication place and count of publications """ return converter.dataframe_column_counts(self.dataframe, column_name)
[docs] def publication_place_diagram(self, column_name: str = "place_published", top_result=None, method: str = "seaborn", theme_style="darkgrid", xaxis_label_rotation=90, pandas_bar_kind: str = "bar", diagram_fname: str = None, **kwargs): """generates chart showing how many articles are published from different places or countries. Parameters ---------- pandas_bar_kind : str pandas plot option of kind of chart needed. defaults to 'bar' in this implementation column_name : str column name of publication place detail in citation dataframe theme_style : str name of the bar chart theme xaxis_label_rotation : float rotate the column elements shown on x axis or horizontally. top_result : int This limits the number of column unique elements to be shown method : str provide option to plot chart using either 'seaborn' or 'pandas' diagram_fname : str filename or path of diagram image to be saved. kwargs : dict kwargs are also given to ``matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(**kwargs)`` Returns ------- """ if method.lower() == "seaborn": seaborn_countplot_with_pandas_dataframe_column(self.dataframe, column_name, theme_style, xaxis_label_rotation, top_result, diagram_fname, **kwargs) elif method.lower() == "pandas": pandas_countplot_with_pandas_dataframe_column(self.dataframe, column_name, top_result, pandas_bar_kind, diagram_fname, **kwargs) else: print("Please provide text_manipulation_method_name value as 'seaborn' or 'pandas'.")
[docs] def publisher_info(self, column_name: str = "publisher"): """shows how many articles are published by different publishers. Parameters ---------- column_name : str column name of publisher detail in citation dataframe. Returns ------- object contains publisher name and count of publications. """ return converter.dataframe_column_counts(self.dataframe, column_name)
[docs] def publisher_diagram(self, column_name: str = "publisher", top_result=None, method: str = "seaborn", theme_style="darkgrid", xaxis_label_rotation=90, pandas_bar_kind: str = "bar", diagram_fname: str = None, **kwargs): """generates chart showing how many articles are published by different publishers. Parameters ---------- pandas_bar_kind : str pandas plot option of kind of chart needed. defaults to 'bar' in this implementation column_name : str column name of publisher detail in citation dataframe theme_style : str name of the bar chart theme xaxis_label_rotation : float rotate the column elements shown on x axis or horizontally. top_result : int This limits the number of column unique elements to be shown method : str provide option to plot chart using either 'seaborn' or 'pandas' diagram_fname : str filename or path of diagram image to be saved. kwargs : dict kwargs are also given to ``matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(**kwargs)`` Returns ------- """ if method.lower() == "seaborn": seaborn_countplot_with_pandas_dataframe_column(self.dataframe, column_name, theme_style, xaxis_label_rotation, top_result, diagram_fname, **kwargs) elif method.lower() == "pandas": pandas_countplot_with_pandas_dataframe_column(self.dataframe, column_name, top_result, pandas_bar_kind, diagram_fname, **kwargs) else: print("Please provide text_manipulation_method_name value as 'seaborn' or 'pandas'.")
[docs] def extract_keywords(self, column_name: str = "keywords"): """return dataframe with search_words_object column containing single keyword in row that are used in the articles. Parameters ---------- column_name : str column name of search_words_object detail in citation dataframe Returns ------- """ keywords_list_of_lists = converter.try_convert_dataframe_column_elements_to_list( self.dataframe, column_name) keywords_list = converter.unpack_list_of_lists_with_optional_apply_custom_function( keywords_list_of_lists, string_manipulation.string_to_space_separated_words) keywords_pandas_df = pd.DataFrame(data={column_name: keywords_list}) return keywords_pandas_df
[docs] def keywords_info(self, column_name: str = "keywords"): """return search_words_object and number of times they are used in the articles Parameters ---------- column_name : str column name of search_words_object detail in citation dataframe Returns ------- """ return converter.dataframe_column_counts(self.extract_keywords(), column_name)
[docs] def keyword_diagram(self, column_name: str = "keywords", top_result=None, method: str = "seaborn", theme_style="darkgrid", xaxis_label_rotation=90, pandas_bar_kind: str = "bar", diagram_fname: str = None, **kwargs): """generates chart showing how many articles are published by different publishers. Parameters ---------- pandas_bar_kind : str pandas plot option of kind of chart needed. defaults to 'bar' in this implementation column_name : str column name of search_words_object detail in citation dataframe theme_style : str name of the bar chart theme xaxis_label_rotation : float rotate the column elements shown on x axis or horizontally. top_result : int This limits the number of column unique elements to be shown method : str provide option to plot chart using either 'seaborn' or 'pandas' diagram_fname : str filename or path of diagram image to be saved. kwargs : dict kwargs are also given to ``matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(**kwargs)`` Returns ------- """ if method.lower() == "seaborn": seaborn_countplot_with_pandas_dataframe_column(self.extract_keywords(), column_name, theme_style, xaxis_label_rotation, top_result, diagram_fname, **kwargs) elif method.lower() == "pandas": pandas_countplot_with_pandas_dataframe_column(self.extract_keywords(), column_name, top_result, pandas_bar_kind, diagram_fname, **kwargs) else: print("Please provide text_manipulation_method_name value as 'seaborn' or 'pandas'.")